--- Mark Sullivan <
DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net> wrote:
> Doug wrote:
> "If so, I remember liking it, but thinking that
> was one of those
> relatively rare books who's impact has been lost
> time has marched
> forward."
> Rare? I'd say it might be just the opposite.
> that why so many
> books are lost by the wayside?
I meant something more specific, that HALO IN BRASS was a
book that was "locked in time", so to speak. The plot depends
for it's impact on societal ideas and attitudes about
lesbianism that don't apply anymore. We're supposed to be
shocked, but what's shocking about it, nowadays?
Books can be good or bad, but relatively few books lose this
kind of impact because society marches on, I think. Less than
most people think, anyway.
It happens more often on TV. I just saw a COLUMBO episode
which was based on the notion of answering machines, still a
relatively new idea when it was shot. It was good story
(written by B movie auteur Larry Cohen) but the big
revelation doesn't have the impact it once did.
===== Doug Bassett
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