Re: RARA-AVIS: Halo In Brass (possible Spoilers)

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 03 Aug 2004

Doug wrote:

"If so, I remember liking it, but thinking that it was one of those relatively rare books who's impact has been lost as time has marched forward."

Rare? I'd say it might be just the opposite. Isn't that why so many books are lost by the wayside? I'm not claiming that everything that's lost deserves such a fate, or that we'd all agree on what the lost classics are, but isn't that one of the measures of whether or not a book continues to be read? And even among those that continue to be read, don't we have a whole category of books that are read more for historical importance than anything else, to see how the genre got from there to here?

I'm not arguing there aren't many books that do retain their impact, just that as many as there are, they aren't the majority. Hell, they aren't even the majority of new books.


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