I read it once, since it used to be such a hot seller here,
to see what the hoopla was about. Like most inner-city crime
books that become popular, I found it rather poorly written,
even from the standpoint of a literary amateur (cf. Jack
Black's "You Can't Win"), and annoyingly obsessed with
justifying a violent and fairly useless life.
David Moran
Nick Mulherin wrote:
> I've read some of it, but found it somewhat
repetitive after I'd finished
> the first third and stopped reading it. It seemed to
me that the same
> situations and scenarios kept on repeating
throughout that section.
> Overall, the book's well written and sometimes very
interesting, but I
> couldn't finish it (of course, it might have gotten
better from there on
> out).
> Best,
> Nick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Sullivan" <
> To: <
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:19 PM
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: Monster
> > Has anyone read Monster: The Making of an LA
Gangster? Any good?
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > --
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