From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 04 May 2004

Just finished Tim Dorsey's FLORIDA ROADKILL. Dorsey follows the tradition of wacky and eccentric Florida psychopaths established by Willeford and continued by Hiaasen. A ways into it, something in Dorsey's writing told me he was a journalist. Probably the cynicism, detachment, and x-rated version of Dave Barry humor.

It was entertaining and funny, but a little bit goes a long ways. It's hard to develop much empathy for the characters, and I don't find satire as satisfying as when I was a teenager reading HUCKLEBERRY FINN. It's about as challenging as shooting fish in a barrel.

I wouldn't rate it as good as Hiaasen's early work but it's better than some of his later ones.


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