Re: RARA-AVIS: Setting for Charles Williams' HILL GIRL

From: E.Borgers (
Date: 12 Apr 2004

HILL GIRL is one of the 3 first novels published by Williams. It is rather naturalistic, following the tradition of some noir from the 30s and 40s- and also of a branch of American mainstream novels of the same period. In HILL GIRL there's certainly something influenced by Erskine Caldwell and the like. So, it's definitely South for its setting, but I do not remember further about setting details.

I found a review and analysis of the book at:

 (but I'm not too sure about its reliability) which cites Texas as setting (could be an extrapolation due to Williams' origins?).

There was a film adaptation of the book in France : LA FILLE DES COLLINES (1990) by Robin Davis with not very well known actors; it's set in Southwest France, in the Pyr鮩es region (mountains and high hills between France and Spain).But I didn't see it.


Ed Lynskey wrote:

>I bought a GM reprint of Charles Williams' HILL GIRL and scanned
>the first few pages but didn't run across a reference to a
>state. Does anyone know if this title is set in Williams'
>native state of Texas (in keeping with this month's Southwest
>theme)? Sorry if this was already covered in the archives

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