Re: RARA-AVIS: Willeford

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 09 Jan 2004

Mark Sullivan wrote:
> Way out of my price range, but the new catalog from Black Ace Books
> ( lists a copy of Outcast Poets, with Willeford's first
> appearance in print, for $85. There's also a Sheldon Lord (allegedly
> Block) sex paperback for $75.

********************** I was thinking about Willeford last night. I finished up Sallis's DIFFICULT LIVES, and he ends the book with a very insightful discussion of Himes's work. Sallis quotes from Himes's THE PRIMITIVE about an author character who has written a book titled I WAS LOOKING FOR A STREET. Willeford discusses Himes in WRITING AND OTHER BLOOD SPORTS. I wonder if Willeford got the title for one of his autobiographies from Himes?


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