RARA-AVIS: Authors recommended by authors

From: Karin Montin ( kmontin@total.net)
Date: 25 Sep 2003

On his website (www.ianrankin.net), Ian Rankin, asked about writers he most admires in the genre, says:

"There are lots: all the Scots, most Americans with 'James' as their first name (Ellroy, Lee Burke, Crumley...), Mike Connelly and George Pelecanos, Lawrence Block... plus the likes of Reg Hill, PD James, Ruth Rendell. Rendell is probably the crime writer's crime writer: endlessly inventive, cunning, sharply analytical, a born storyteller. I've been flattered recently by other writers naming me among their favourites (Ed McBain and Beryl Bainbridge, no less!)."

Since I agree with him pretty well on this list, I'd be likely to read anyone else he recommends.


At 07:20 PM 24/09/2003 +0100, Nigel wrote:
><snip>Which brings me to the topic of recommendations by authors. I've
>found that
>Anthony Boucher and John D MacDonald were usually on the money with their
>quotes on books, but whom to trust nowadays? Elmore Leonard used to be
>reliable, but now seems to spray his quotes everywhere. Stephen King is also
>famously incontinent in his praise. Writers obviously form a loose community
>and friendships within it, and publishers have books to sell, but what
>authors do rara avians find useful and trustworthy when faced with an
>unknown author or book?

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