Re: RARA-AVIS: Over My Dead Body and more Vin Packer

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 25 Sep 2003

Al Guthrie wrote: Are you thinking of Lee Horsley's THE NOIR THRILLER, maybe? Perhaps Lee Server sounds familiar as co-editor of THE BIG BOOK OF NOIR?

************ That's it, Al. Thanks! I went through several of my
"all about hardboiled or noir" books a last weekend and found Vin Packer listed in more than half of them.
 One of the big ones, either THE BIG BOOK OF NOIR or maybe ENCYCLOPEDIA MYSTERIOUSA had a short but interesting article by Meaker about the origins of SPRING FIRE. Meaker's SPRING FIRE was a major inspiration to the lesbian genre. There had been earlier entries, like THE WELL OF LONELINESS and then some sleaze title like BARRACK BABES or something like that, but SPRING FIRE was a major success. It was supposedly written for the blue collar guys to drool over, but Meaker says she got letters from hundreds of women.

I'll try and write some more about all that later.

Keep Joy Matkowski in your thoughts. She's going into the hospital for a hip replacement on Oct.8.


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