RARA-AVIS: The Singing Detective

From: K Montin ( kmontin@total.net)
Date: 12 Dec 2002

I second Colin's motion on The Singing Detective, original version. (I actually kind of dread the remake.) If not the greatest TV series ever, then certainly the most original. It crosses a number of genre boundaries. There's the detective, obviously, and there's lots of singing.

Karin At 12:52 12/12/02 -0500, Colin wrote:

>Grab Dennis Potter's The Singing Detective if you can as well. As a reporter
>on the local paper for Potters' native Forest of Dean we have been reporting
>on the soon to be released Robert Downey Jr film version. If it is one tenth
>as fantastic as the incredible BBC version it will be a must see. There's
>lots out there on the net on the series, but it has at least passing interest
>to avians concerning, as it does, the travails of a hack writer of 'tec
>fiction by the name of Phillip Marlowe. The greatest TV programme ever made?
>I think so. Seems like you Americans are now at the apex with Sopranos and so
>'ow bist butties.
>Colin, from the Forest.

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