Re: RARA-AVIS: Foreign HB novels

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 29 Jul 2002

1. We USians are at fault for being English-only. If I weren't linguistically incompetent, I could go to, etc., the way I go to (although I encountered some language barriers there, too). 2. From what I've heard novelist acquaintances say, the income they get from their books is peanuts. Translating isn't cheap, and you probably couldn't get a good (above Babelfish level) translator to work on a possible percentage sometime in the future, the way writers do.

Joy, who hopes to tell you tomorrow about her foray into Brookmyre

Terrill Lankford <> said:
> Despite the cost of translation, I'm there are a lot of great books out
> that enterprising U.S. publishers could buy for a fraction of what they
> to pay U.S. authors. With the right packaging (and keeping the fact that
> a translation of a "foreign" book in the small print), I'm sure there
would be
> profits to be made. Of course, this is starting to sound too much like
> isn't it?

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