Re: RARA-AVIS: Foreign HB novels

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 29 Jul 2002

"Joy, who thinks the publishers are too cheap to pay a translator"

That may explain the lack of literature imported from non-English speaking countries, but it's almost as hard to get many UK writers in the US. About all we get of contemporary hardboiled (I can't speak for cozies) is Rankin and Serpent's Tail; some Do Not Press titles are eventually imported here, not reprinted. Even the Serpent's Tail books are delayed.

And you're right Joy, it's not just books. So little foreign rock is imported that foreign bands are forced to learn to sing in English. This even applies to the growing Latin music market, where huge artists like Shakira must include some songs in English to hope to crossover.

And for the most part, foreign movies, even ones in English are nothing more than a niche market in the US, just playing in art houses.


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