RARA-AVIS: If I had any time to do it, and wasn't foaming at the mouth

From: marianne.macdonald@lineone.net
Date: 14 Jul 2002

(the bit house move is on Wednesday) I'd want to join in about a lot of things that have been on the past few digests, including a socialist critique of rampant international capitalism (Halliburton, Enron, Worl-
  sorry, I mustn't) and also tell you about a couple of good panels at Crime Scene yesterday. But just briefly, what caught my eye was
>I took
>the novel to be more social commentary; the drifter as outsider not finding
>a place in a somewhat surreal, disfunctional society.
Isn't this something like universal in hb, and part of its essential nature? The panel on the American influence in British crime (John Connolly, John Harvey, Michael Billington and Russell James) seemed to think so; and there was a good discussion of the consequences of this for, for instance, regional crime writing here. (Incidentally Grahame Greene was one of the people they proposed as an important influence on Brit HB.)

I may start to make some sense when the move is over AND the new computer is set up, but I think I'm saying that I'm going to be in/visible/audible for a little while. Wish me luck!


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