RARA-AVIS: Re: Classics on CD

From: Jim Stephenson ( jestephenson@ix.netcom.com)
Date: 03 Jun 2002

Recorded Books has a rental program for individuals, including a very large selection of CD releases. The link to their CD page is here: http://www.recordedbooks.com/template2.cfm?cd=true&subject=CDs

The CDs include a few volumes of Patrick O'Brien's Jack Aubry/Stephen Maturin naval adventure series, read by Patrick Tull--the most perfect blending of novel & reader that I have ever come across.

Carrie also remarked:

> My
> brother, who used to work in car audio sales, also claims that it's possible
> to get a device that you can plug a walkman into that will play through your
> car radio.

Yes, it's called a "Soundfeeder" and it works pretty well. I use it to listen to OTR, feeding the sound from my mp3 player to a portable or car radio. You can buy one from the manufacturer here: http://www.arkon.com/sf.html

BTW, to keep things on topic, the OTR I listen are usually P.I. and cop shows ... or "Gunsmoke" featuring William Conrad as Matt Dillon. As written by John Meston and as interpreted by Conrad, Matt Dillon is a quintessentially hard-boiled character who would have been at the top of the recent "hard-boiled characters" poll if he'd been a character in literature.

Jim Stephenson

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