RARA-AVIS: carroll john daly

From: Michael Robison ( zspider@gte.net)
Date: 30 May 2002

george upper said:
> Is there something in particular by Daly that you're
> looking for? A bit of his stuff has been reprinted,
> and can be found used pretty cheaply online. I'm also
> working on selling someone an anthology of early Daly
> stuff, and knowing that someone out there might
> actually buy it might be encouraging.


hi george,

i'm looking for a good and popular representative novel of his. from what little i've seen (listed used at amazon), it looks like _snarl of the beast_ (is that correct?) is a good one.

i don't think i'm interested in a collection of a lot of his works, but i appreciate the offer. actually, i hate to see you sell something that you've obviously gone to a lot of trouble collecting. but if you want to sell, i would recommend putting it on ebay and asking high dollar.

and by the way, is your daly thesis available in a computer-friendly format? i'd like to read it.

thanks, miker

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