Re: RARA-AVIS: Orion's MasterWorks...

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 30 May 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Clinton" <>

> Thanks for the complete list, Al...but as miker points out:
> > darn! thats a bummer! a lotta that stuff, like
> > thompson's, macdonald's, and hammett's books, are
> > already in print. i wish they'd bail on those and
> > print some that i can't find in print, like charles
> > williams, carroll john daly, peter rabe, and derek
> > raymond, to name a few.
> Williams and Rabe -- absolutely. I'll throw in Gil Brewer and Fredric
> for good measure...

Totally agree. However, for those of us on this side of the pond it isn't as bad as it looks. Apart from a couple of omnibus editions, Jim Thompson has been out of print for years. Ditto John D MacDonald, and, until Canongate started reprinting him in 2000 (?), Ross Macdonald as well.

Here's a related question. Why are David Goodis's best books (Prion's "Dark Passage" aside) not reprinted? Why opt for "Of Tender Sin", "The Moon in the Gutter" and "The Blonde on the Street Corner", when you could have "The Burglar", "Cassidy's Girl" and "Nightfall?" As I see it, the people compiling HB reprint lists should consult us first. We're their target audience, so why don't they ask us what we want to read? Market research on tap. What more could a commercial enterprise ask for?

Al Guthrie

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