Re: RARA-AVIS: gambler & shoeless joe

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 16 Apr 2002

le 16/04/02 20:05, Frederick Zackel à ¼A HREF=""> a 飲it :

> (I am so far behind in reading . . . ) The Gatsby gangster Wolfshiem(?) is
> based on the one-time husband of Fanny Brice called Arnold Rothstein, who
> was mentioned by Hammett in Maltese Falcon as the one-time boss of Floyd
> Thursby,,,, or so I've been told. Any researchers in the rara avis?
Oh, and for anyone interested, Wolfsheim is the name of a brilliant German synth-pop band, much better than Depeche Mode IMHO. They admitted they took their name from the novel !


"He's a ghost, he's a god He's a man, he's a guru They're whispering his name across this disappearing land But hidden in his coat is a red right handÅ "
            Nick Cave

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