Re: RARA-AVIS: Maigret

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 16 Apr 2002

> MAIGRET SETS A TRAP is my personal favorite. Maigret
> on the trail of a serial killer circa mid-50s. Became
> the film INSPECTOR MAIGRET which won the Edgar in a
> now-defunct category, Best Foreign Screenplay, which
> was the first of several French Maigret films to start
> Jean Gabin, perhaps the best of all screen Maigrets.
That's the title I was looking for, thanks ! Brilliant and atmosphericĂ… 


"He's a ghost, he's a god He's a man, he's a guru They're whispering his name across this disappearing land But hidden in his coat is a red right handĂ… "
            Nick Cave

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