le 16/04/02 6:39, Buzz à ¼A
a 飲it :
> I've seen Maigret show up on a number of lists but
have never read any
> Simenon. If I were to pick one, just ONE, to give me
a feel for the series,
> what would be a good choice? (And please don't say
all of them, in order)
> Thanks in advance,
I'm not a Maigret fan, but there is one in which he looks for
a proto-serial killer, I don't know what the English name can
be. It gave out one of the best cinematic Maigret adaptation.
There is also "Maigret's Memoirs", pretty atypical, but I
liked it. I think non-Maigret Simenon novels are much more
"He's a ghost, he's a god He's a man, he's a guru They're
whispering his name across this disappearing land But hidden
in his coat is a red right handÅ "
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