Ã… and where is it available ? ;)
T., pretty much interestedÃ…
> There's a facinating book called "Secrets of the
Wolds's Best-Selling Writer;
> the Storytelling Techniques of Erle Stanley
Hardner," by Francus L. & Roberta
> B.
> Fugate. Not the most promising title, but the book
is amazing. It's derived
> from the millions of items of personal letters and
notes Gardner donated to
> the
> Humanities Research Center Library at the University
of Texas at Austin.
> Gardner even included his writing desk. And he was a
guy who never threw
> anything away. Much of the book details Gardner's
relationship with the pulp
> editors he worked with early in his career, with an
except from his first
> published story in 'Breezy Stories,' August, 1921,
entitled "Nellie's Naughty
> Nightie," and lots of quoted correspondance with
folks like a 'Black Mask'
> associate editor who wrote in 1923: "Dear Mr.
Gardner, This is terrible.
> Sincerely, H.C. North." Gardner's progress is marked
by a letter from Joseph
> T.
> Shaw, in 1926, banging out football metaphors to
explain his editorial policy:
> "You, Daly, Suter and Hammett are now the backfield,
carrying the ball on
> novellettes with a few likely substitutes --
punters, forward pass artists and
> goal kickers -- on the sidelines waiting for a
chance to get in..." The book
> is
> full of inside dope on how the pulps were edited and
how one very determined
> writer learned to meet their needs. A gem for fans
of the literature.
> BobT
> Joy Matkowski wrote:
>> Yesterday's NewsScan had a feature on
Gardner--said he started off as a
>> hardboiled writer for the pulps and later made
his protagonists more
>> cerebral for middle-brow appeal.
>> His first job was as a lawyer's typist, probably
the source of his
>> prolific speed as a writer. When he became a
lawyer, he represented the poor
>> and minorities and then wrote about the mean
streets he knew.
>> When rich and famous, he founded the Court of
Last Appeal to free
>> innocent convicts.
>> Joy, the impressed
>> --
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