Re: RARA-AVIS: List of 100 Best hard boiled characters of thelast 100 years

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 23 Mar 2002

le 23/03/02 9:03, Rene Ribic à ¼A HREF=""> a 飲it :

>> Maybe it's the Maker's Mark speaking, but I wouldn't put a religious
>> belief system inside a book on philosophy either. That was the context
>> that I learned about them in school.
>> --
> Well, that puts paid to Taoism but doesn't explain the absence of
> Confucianism from a book on philosophy.
Besides most of Buddhism is a philosophy before a religion, as well as sufism. The taoists were more considered as philosophers than religious leaders, as far as I knowÅ  Otherwise, you'd have to dismiss Pascal for being a Christian philosopher !

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