I'm way behind on the various threads, but I don't recall
anyone mentioning Jonathan King's book THE BLUE EDGE OF
MIDNIGHT. This debut mystery (due out in April) is about Max
Freeman, a former Philly cop who lives in Florida. The
Florida setting is primary, but there are frequent references
to Philly. King worked as a journalist in Philly now works
for the Sun Sentinel.
I also wanted to mention KILLING PAPARAZZI (featuring "pop
noir" heroine Nina Zero) by Robert Eversz. I actually haven't
had a chance to read this yet since my husband snagged it the
minute I brought it home - Mike has been excessively amused
by the book. If you are interested in books with action
packed plots, filled with sardonic wit and a featuring
jaundiced view of Hollywood/L.A., you might want to get
acquainted with Nina Zero. The reviews for KILLING PAPARAZZI
have been very good. You can read reviews and an interview
with Nina (channeled through Robert Eversz) at: http://www.overbooked.org/everszbooks.html
While I'm blatantly promoting writers I like, I'd like to
mention that you can read a fairly recent article by Jesse
Sublett ( he is working on a memoir ). The article is rather
noirish in tone and is called "Rock & Roll Gothic" : http://www.overbooked.org/rockgothic.html
Ann Chambers Theis ~
theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us Collection Management
Administrator, Chesterfield County Public Library (VA)
Overbooked, a resource for ravenous readers - http://www.overbooked.org
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