RE: RARA-AVIS: Memento: after Pruett and all

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 12 Feb 2002

You know, if the short story and the filmscript had come out of the treatment, I could buy this...much like, say, Clarke and Kubrick with 2001, even though the treatment was based on "The Sentinel" by Clarke, however distantly...but this is just playing around to keep MEMENTO out of THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING's way, my colleagues suggest, and I think they're right. TM

-----Original Message----- From: Carrie Pruett [mailto:]

I'm thinking this is on topic, because I know this list has discussed the short story that the movie Memento was based on. And that's the question - how did the flick manage to get a "best original screenplay" Oscar nomination? I swear the credits said "based on the story by . . ." Was the

story not published before the film came out, or did somebody at the Academy


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