Chandler was originally English.
Wonder if Chandler and Browne had any commercial dealings
other than the reprint of "Professor Bingo's Snuff" in the
first issue of FANTASTIC... TM
-----Original Message----- From: Rene Ribic [mailto:] This is an approximation from
(recent) memory :
Fleming : ... "The Taste of Ashes" by Howard Browne.
Chandler : Who?
Fleming : Howard Browne.
Chandler : Oh.
Fleming : Well it's very good.
Chandler (muttering, almost under his breath but clearly
audible) : He must've improved.
Fleming : Sorry?
Chandler : He must've gotten better.
Of course, Chandler may just have been in a grumpy mood or
just annoyed with Browne at the time. Although the interview
was broadcast in the morning, according to the story Chandler
was already a little under the weather when a nervous Fleming
picked him up to drive him to the BBC but luckily he seemed
to sober up enough to conduct a reasonable interview. I must
stress that the above transcript (mine) is from memory &
may not be 100% accurate but it would be pretty close & I
stand by the accuracy of the gist of the exchange.Have a
listen anyway, if you haven't already. It's supposed to be
the only recording extant of Chandler's voice. Speaking of
Chandler's voice, for me his accent was a little bit of a
surprise. I'd always "pictured" him with an English accent or
with a strong trace of one. The accent he has is reminiscent
of William Burroughs' accent, which I believe is Mid-Western.
Is that the dialect/accent that Chandler spoke in? Was
Chandler from the Mid-West, originally?
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