Re: RARA-AVIS: Singers/writers

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 05 Feb 2002

Richard said:
> Barry Sadler, who came to fame with "The Ballad of the Green Berets,"
> churned out the paperback originals and my impression was that they
> well. Sadler himself led something of a hardboiled life. He was the
> defendent in a murder trial in Tennessee and years later was shot in
> Central American country. Severely injured, he was brought back to
> states but died of his wounds. John Ed Bradley did a superb magazine
> on Sadler's life and strange death some years ago.

I remember "The Ballad of the Green Beret" very well - it was one of my favourite songs when I was 8 years old. I couldn't wait to grow up & kill some of those evil Communists but it never worked out that way. I've seen some of those pbo's you mentioned at charity shops, etc.


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