RARA-AVIS: Singers/writers

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 05 Feb 2002

Here are two examples of singers/writers that strain the definitions of both singer and writer:

Paul Petersen, best known for his acting on the "Donna Reed Show" recorded a few minor pop hits during the shows heyday. Later in the 1970s he published a string of paperback originals.

Barry Sadler, who came to fame with "The Ballad of the Green Berets," also churned out the paperback originals and my impression was that they sold well. Sadler himself led something of a hardboiled life. He was the defendent in a murder trial in Tennessee and years later was shot in some Central American country. Severely injured, he was brought back to the states but died of his wounds. John Ed Bradley did a superb magazine piece on Sadler's life and strange death some years ago.

Richard Moore

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