Re: RARA-AVIS: Bouchercon

Date: 04 Nov 2001

> > Just got in from Washington. I had to leave early this morning,
so I missed
> > Pelecanos' panel. As far as I know, he wasn't at the convention
on any of
> > the other days. I did meet Todd Mason, Kevin Burton Smith, and
> > (though he might not remember it).
> >
> > Bill Crider

I saw you at the Lansdale panel, since he pointed you out. That was a fun one. Lot of good discussion in there.

I missed George P.'s panel too, since I was on the Short Story panel at the same time. But I raced upstairs to ask him to sign a couple books as soon as I could.

All in all, a fun and outstanding weekend. I hope all the Rara-Avans in attandence got one of the Gun Monkeys chapbook sneak previews.

Neil Smith

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