RE: RARA-AVIS: The Hard-Boiled School of Cooking

From: Anthony Dauer (
Date: 29 Jul 2001

Take your pick ...

Florida's Roadkill Cookbook
  by M.L. Anderson

Illinois' Roadkill Cookbook: A Collection of Spurious Recipes Using Ventre Montant (French for Belly-Up Animals on Illinois' Highways)
  by Bruce Carlson

Michigan's Roadkill Cookbook
  by B. Calrson

The Totaled Roadkill Cookbook
  by Buck Peterson, J. Angus McLean (Illustrator)

Anthony Dauer, MS MIS
Alexandria, Virginia

Judas is looking for a few Femme Fatales for its next issue:
-----Original Message----- From: Mark Sullivan Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2001 7:17 PM
Fred's kitty-cooking recomendation reminded me. Carl Hiassen's Skink probably has some recipes for the roadkill he lives on, although I don't remember him offering any specific ones in either of the books in which he appears.
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