Re: RARA-AVIS:Europe noir ( was: Me after all)

From: Etienne Borgers (
Date: 04 Apr 2001

--- Juri Nummelin <> wrote:
> But hasn't
> it been very common that these American noir authors
> were first
> recognized in Europe? Not anymore, but what if
> Ellroy just wants to
> cherish their memories?

I'm not so sure that your "not anymore" fits the reality. It is still common for recent American writers belonging to the HB/noir genre to be published first in the UK. Then maybe (or maybe not) later in the USA. One name comes to my mind : Jason Starr. But there are others, of whom some are finding publishers over there and none in their own country.

Worse, some American reputations are building up over there (in some occasions after a publication in French translation) that are totally ignored by the American public, or quite later and with a significant delay.

Ellroy was a typical case until recently.

But, mostly, American publishers are unimpressed by the number of copies sold in Europe, as it rarely shows American style best-seller figures. But just think about the number of languages that must be involved to be a real European success.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries

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