Re: RARA-AVIS: The Moving Target

Date: 02 Apr 2001

> don't shoot me because I
>don't remember his name)
STOP IT, JURI!!! My friend Kevin sometimes needs to be taken with a grain of salt. (Hi, Kevin - so shoot me.)

>when a writer makes his/her points clear only
>through dialogue, he/she is just not competent.
But then Travis does NOT operate only through dialogue, not at all.
(Though dialogue is a major skill, needs careful work - believe me.) It seems to me that we have something more consistent and continuous in the ones I've been reading.

>Fiction should be plausible.
Agreed, but plausible in what context? Do you really mean "internally consistent"? Crime fiction isn't very "realistic", believe me - ask a policeman. Maybe Travis can get away with things that Rebus can't because he comes from 30 years ago. I was, really, very pleasantly surprised; but possibly nostalgia overcame me. I too will read some more.


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