RARA-AVIS: anonymous rex

From: Chris Bahn ( Chris_Bahn@citysearch.com)
Date: 20 Mar 2001

Curious if any of you have read Eric Garcia's "Anonymous Rex" and what you thought of it. It's one of those Philip-Dick-meets-Chandler novels that's as much sci-fi as it is hardboiled -- the subgenre including "Who Killed Roger Rabbit," "Gun, With Occasional Music" and maybe "Anonymous Brooklyn" depending on how you look at it -- the twist here being that the detective is one of a secret society of dinosaurs that survived extinction and live among humans in disguise. Personally, I'm of two minds about the book. Garcia's captured Chandler's prose style quite well, I think, but I wonder if this kind of high-concept re-imagining has lost its freshness and is turning into a "Marlowe with [insert weird postmodern twist here]" set of cliches.

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