Re: RARA-AVIS: James Bond, Poodle Springs

From: Gerald So (
Date: 17 Mar 2001

Hello, all.

Jean wrote:

<< I haven't seen any new [Bonds] recently, but I haven't been looking.

American Bond authority Raymond Benson has taken over for Gardner. I sampled two of the later Gardners, and IMO, Benson is closer to the Fleming feel. His books include ZERO MINUS TEN, THE FACTS OF DEATH, and HIGH TIME TO KILL.

<< Robert Parker shared a cover with Raymond Chandler in POODLE SPRINGS and got top billing, of all things. >>

Parker's PERCHANCE TO DREAM is subtitled "Robert B. Parker's Sequel to Raymond Chandler's THE BIG SLEEP." On POODLE SPRINGS, Chandler retained top billing.


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