The New York Times has an article by Donald Westlake about
Richard Stark:
It requires registration, like they always say, but for username and password works fine.
| Westlake is allusive, indirect, referential, a bit rococo.
Stark strips
| his sentences down to the necessary information.
| In "Flashfire," the Richard Stark novel just recently
published, he
| writes, "Parker looked at the money, and it wasn't enough."
In one of
| his own novels a few years ago, Donald Westlake wrote,
"John Dortmunder
| and a failed enterprise always recognized one another."
| Westlake's recurring character, proposes a Christmas toast
this way,
| "God help us, every one." Parker answers the phone,
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : : Caveat lector.
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