RARA-AVIS: Crider collection/Five Star

From: Ann Chambers Theis ( theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us)
Date: 29 Jan 2001

Five Star is doing a nice job of releasing original titles, paperback reprints, and also short story collections. They do mystery, romance, western and Christian fiction lines. Bill is right in saying that a lot of libraries get them via a standing order plan. The books are expensive to purchase, even libraries don't get a very big discount on the standing order plan. I really like what they are doing, especially with the short story collections. Along with Crippen and Landru, they one of my favorite crime fiction short story publishers.

The current mystery offerings from Five Star include: WAX APPLE: A MITCHELL TOBIN MYSTERY, DELVECCHIO'S BROOKLYN: A SHORT STORY COLLECTION (Randisi), IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT: TALES TO LOCK YOUR DOORS BY (Davis) , and Bill Crider's story collection. Also, A FOREVER DEATH by Michael Sherer, a collection of stories by Ed Gorman and FRIENDS AND ENEMIES by Susan Oleksiw.

Some of the other crime authors they publish are: Noreen Ayres, Paul Bishop, Lawrence Block, Jay Brandon, Max Allen Collins, Thomas Cook, Barbara D'Amato, William Deandrea, Loren Estleman, Evan Hunter, Stuart Kaminksy, Dick Lochte (LUCKY DOG AND OTHER TALES OF MURDER), John Lutz, Lia Matera, Ed McBain, Marica Muller, William Nolan, Maxine O'Callaghan, Bill Pronzini, James Reasoner, Julie Smith, and many others.

Ann Chambers Theis ~ theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us Collection Management Administrator, Chesterfield County Public Library (VA) Overbooked, a resource for ravenous readers - http://www.overbooked.org

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