Re: RARA-AVIS: CHARLES McCLUSKY -facts or legend?

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 13 Jan 2001

Etienne Borgers wrote:

> Apologies for the two typos!
> Name of the writer is well McCLUSKY (in the document I
> have- not McClumsky).I have 3 aliases for McClusky, that he used for short
> stories in magazines, and one is very close to the
> name you found:
> Thorp McClosky : "Madman Surgery", Horror Stories-
> July 1939

That must be the one. He seems to have had a fairly interesting life. He had sixteen stories in Weird Tales from 1936 to 1952. Should Hawk's pseudonyms list more, I'll report later.


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