--- Steve Novak <
cinefrog@mediaone.net> wrote:
> on 10/26/00 5:17, Nathalie M觥 at
nmege@club-internet.fr wrote:
> > Charyn published an excellent graphic novel (in
French) with comic
> > artist Loustal, called "White Sonya". An
excellent hb story of a
> woman's
> > revenge devoid of the lyrical aspects of
Charyn's style (that
> usually
> > bore me, i must confess).
> >
> > I think Charyn lives in France -- he wrote some
original stuff in
> French
> > during the last 10 years.
> >
> > NM
> >
> >>> Can anyone provide information on
writer Jerome Charyn? Is he
> still
> >>> around?
> >>>
> >>> David Honeybone
> go to
> this is the site of the best web site ever and
anywhere about Le
> Polar (i.e.
> the Mystery Novel)...this site is in French but will
provide you with
> the
> most intelligent and pertinent analysis and the most
> research on
> any genre of the larger spectrum called "mystery
novel" and you will
> find
> also many extremely useful links...many in english
of course and any
> info on
> any author you wish including Jerome Charyn, who
lives in France and
> publishes a lot there and not only Mysteries....but
also comic books
> (as
> someone mentioned) and also has become somehow an
authority on the US
> and is
> asked for comments on politics or socio-eco US life
by newpaperss
> such as
> Lib鲡tion or the Herald Tribune in
> Also the Mystery Guide (in English and excellent
too) has him in its
> roster...I just checked...
> If you want to know everything available from him
from a french
> internet
> 'store' (and they will list you everything available
in any major
> language)
> go to www.alapage.com
> it is an excellent store with a great reputation for
things like
> books and
> cd's...and searching helps one find out what has
been published in
> his case
> on both sides of the big pond...and sometimes these
publications are
> not the
> same...i use it often to check on what has been
published abroad by
> US
> authors and they sometimes publish in Euro some
things that are not
> published here...since interests and sensibilities
are, especially in
> the
> field of 'Murder Mysteries' very different. In that
respect Charyn
> has
> always been a US star in France and is recognized as
a litterary
> entity,
> when he's at best marginal here in the
> Steve ....le Montois de Dé´²oit
> --
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