Re: RARA-AVIS: Charyn

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 26 Oct 2000

on 10/26/00 5:17, Nathalie M觥 at wrote:

> Charyn published an excellent graphic novel (in French) with comic
> artist Loustal, called "White Sonya". An excellent hb story of a woman's
> revenge devoid of the lyrical aspects of Charyn's style (that usually
> bore me, i must confess).
> I think Charyn lives in France -- he wrote some original stuff in French
> during the last 10 years.
> NM
>>> Can anyone provide information on writer Jerome Charyn? Is he still
>>> around?
>>> David Honeybone

go to this is the site of the best web site ever and anywhere about Le Polar (i.e. the Mystery Novel)...this site is in French but will provide you with the most intelligent and pertinent analysis and the most exhaustive research on any genre of the larger spectrum called "mystery novel" and you will find also many extremely useful links...many in english of course and any info on any author you wish including Jerome Charyn, who lives in France and publishes a lot there and not only Mysteries....but also comic books (as someone mentioned) and also has become somehow an authority on the US and is asked for comments on politics or socio-eco US life by newpaperss such as Lib鲡tion or the Herald Tribune in Paris...

Also the Mystery Guide (in English and excellent too) has him in its roster...I just checked...

If you want to know everything available from him from a french internet
'store' (and they will list you everything available in any major language) go to it is an excellent store with a great reputation for things like books and cd's...and searching helps one find out what has been published in his case on both sides of the big pond...and sometimes these publications are not the same...i use it often to check on what has been published abroad by US authors and they sometimes publish in Euro some things that are not published here...since interests and sensibilities are, especially in the field of 'Murder Mysteries' very different. In that respect Charyn has always been a US star in France and is recognized as a litterary entity, when he's at best marginal here in the States...

Steve ....le Montois de Dé´²oit

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