.Bill Denton asked,
> What's the scoop on Gores and Donald Westlake? I
thought Westlake was a
> New York person, and Gores was out in San Francisco
when he was a PI, but
> Gores knocked around a lot and maybe Westlake did
too. Did they get to be
> good friends, or were they just having a bit of
I think they are friends. Some DKA characters appear briefly
in Westlake's Dorntmunder bok, Drowned Hopes, and in exchange
the Doetmunder character's are in a scene of Gores' DKA book,
32 Cadillacs.
In a similar vein, I recently read Gary Disher's CrossKill, a
Wyatt book. Disher's Wyatt is an Australian Parker. They even
have many of the same character traits. and battle the
Outfit. Wyatt asks who is told a Charles Willis owned a car.
'Charles Willis' is Parker's most common alias.
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