I just finished DEAD SKIP (1972) by Joe Gores, the first DKA
book, and although I'd read (here) about the crossover
incident with "Richard Stark"'s PLUNDER SQUAD, I'd completely
forgotten about it, so it came as a nice surprise.
Kearny's gone to a house to try to get an address from a
woman who's been fooling around on her car-mechanic husband.
But when someone opens the door ...
| The man had never been an auto mechanic, or a homeowner, or
would have
| worked for anyone else. He was wide and blocky, with flat
| shoulders, a good half-head taller than Kearny's five-nine.
His hands
| were out of a foundry, his wrists roped with veins. His
face was bony,
| as flat and hard as the shoulders, rough-hewn in the same
foundry as the
| hands.
I thought that sounded familiar, and sure enough on the next
page Kearny recognizes Parker even after his plastic surgery.
They'd met one night a decade before.
What's the scoop on Gores and Donald Westlake? I thought
Westlake was a New York person, and Gores was out in San
Francisco when he was a PI, but Gores knocked around a lot
and maybe Westlake did too. Did they get to be good friends,
or were they just having a bit of fun?
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.
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