RARA-AVIS: Re:Frank Kane

From: GN ( piesbook@execpc.com)
Date: 28 Sep 2000

> Kane (pre-1963): Liddell sits at the bar of Mike Deadline and Deadline
> (wonderful name!) asks Liddell about the girl he once dated, called
> Muggsy, later on Liddell meets her investigating a case which involves
> the murder of one Matt Merritt

I am pretty sure this would be Bullet Proof (Washburn, 1950).

I could not recognize the Prather unfortunately as one of his novels from the description.

Best, GWN Gary Warren Niebuhr P. I. E. S. (Private Investigator Entertainment Service) P. O. Box 341218 Milwaukee, WI 53234 piesbook@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~piesbook/piescatalog.html

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