RARA-AVIS: Prather, Frank Kane

From: Juri Nummelin ( jurnum@utu.fi)
Date: 28 Sep 2000

I have the translations of books by Richard S. Prather and Frank Kane which don't have proper information about their original titles. Can someone help me and identify these:

Prather (this is one of his Fawcett books, published in Finland in 1962): this tells about Mac MacLean, a night club singer, and starts in a cruiser, the story involves something called "The Naked Lady" (which is the translation's title, but there's no such book by Prather)

Kane (pre-1963): Liddell sits at the bar of Mike Deadline and Deadline
(wonderful name!) asks Liddell about the girl he once dated, called Muggsy, later on Liddell meets her investigating a case which involves the murder of one Matt Merritt

If someone identifies these two books, rush on to answer!


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