RARA-AVIS: Crime Fiction Criticism

From: Etienne Borgers ( freeweb@rocketmail.com)
Date: 23 Sep 2000

I just came across a book which is probably familiar to some of the followers here, but which for me is a discovery: CRIME FICTION CRITICISM AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY by Timothy and Julia Johnson Garland Reference Library (1981)- USA Approx 425 pages.

An invaluable book,IMHO. It gathers around 2000 references of crime fiction essays, books or magazines articles, with a brief comment about the content of each one (including British references, and some in foreign languages). Of course, we could argue that amongst the criticism of authors listed (about 250 of them), a lot of the HB/Noir writers is missing. But hey! this is America! It reflects the importance given to certain writers and the total ignorance in the USA about some of the bests, even of American origin... Set this apart, it is a great work of reference.

Questions: does somebody here know if there was ever an updated edition of that book, analyzing criticism references after 1980? Or, is there another book listing the references of criticism existing about crime fiction, going further than 1980?

Thanks for any help.

E.Borgers Hard-Boiled Mysteries http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6384 Polar Noir http://www.geocities.com/poarnoir

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