RARA-AVIS: A.S. Fleischman

From: Martha Fischer ( sakana@stlnet.com)
Date: 04 Sep 2000

can juri or anyone else provide more information on this author? how many novels did he write? are the others any good? juri's blurb is intriguing...

martha sakana@stlnet.com <mailto: sakana@stlnet.com>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-rara-avis@icomm.ca [mailto: owner-rara-avis@icomm.ca]On
> Behalf Of Juri Nummelin

f A.S. Fleischman's "The Shanghai Flame" (1952), an old Gold Medal about the journalist looking for his lover in the communist Shanghai, very cinematic, which is proper since Fleishcman was a screenwriter>

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