Fw: RARA-AVIS: Re: Once more into the breech...

From: Chris Routledge ( srcrout@ntlworld.com)
Date: 31 Aug 2000

This has been fascinating to follow on the archive.

I'm new to this list, but I'm going to butt in anyway. I've always thought of 'hard-boiled' fiction as being defined by its language; that is, language which avoids overt expression of emotion, or even the existence of emotion, language which purports to give the facts and the facts only, language which describes using the minimum of adjectives. It would also be language which tells you something about its user only by the fact that it is being used. Not sure where that leaves "The Big Sleep," but then Marlowe, in my view, is a four minute egg, not a six minute one.

Cheers Chris

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