Re: RARA-AVIS: Harriet Klausner

From: Ned Fleming (
Date: 06 Jul 2000

William Denton wrote:

> People. really. I never thought we'd see Harriet Klausner discussed
> here. That's -50 eggs to all of you.

Yeah, no shit. But we Americans are all Klausnerites. It's too bad, a shame, a gol-dang shame. If only we weren't so insular.

The self-vaunting Internet site-floggers think that there's some great big wall around America, that it can't be penetrated by quality literature. Is this remotely true? Not hardly. This is a giant lie, but a popular one for those lesser creatures that can't crack the market. You can't get published in America with a Tronno or Helsinki setting? Tough shit! Take up plumbing!

Remember the old saw: Bad money drives out the good. Well, the opposite has now become true. The Internet may give Harriet (n饊 Burton) Klausner a platform, but it also gives us, that is, everyone everywhere, the ability to denounce her, as Mario Taboada rightly understands, as a robotic fool. Besides which, on-demand printing makes obsolete most of what we understand as publishing, including everything Goofball Harriet reviews. Publishing is well along the road to the same fate as the Dodo bird. A gone goon. With the soon-coming 100-percent-correct machine translation, you can write your novel in Thunderfart, Ontario, in the morning and a customer in Marseille can buy it, print it, and read it in the afternoon.

If noir/hardboiled is to survive, it will have to slug it out in the market, which is inescapable. It's a niche market and nothing more. There is no turning back the clock to some unknown "golden era," which never really existed. And America can't stop you.

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