Re: RARA-AVIS: M Taboada's "hardboiled characters"

From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 06 Jun 2000

<<On the other hand, I've always considered Bukowski's work to be hb, though his protagonists (for the most part) wouldn't hurt a fly.>>

If the characters are utter losers, it's more likely to be noir than hardboiled.

As to a HB book without HB characters, I can't conceive of such a thing. I think it doesn't exist, though I'm open to hearing of some examples.

Now to Kent Anderson's "literary" style. There's no rule that excludes stylistic sophistication and experimentation from genre literature. It's not that common, but neither is it so rare (think Willeford, Ellroy, Lansdale or Higgins, names frequently mentioned in this very forum).



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