I've been away from the computer for a couple of days, and
I've enjoyed catching up on the discussion of Bill Pronzini.
I've met Bill, and I got to interview him on the stage at a
Bouchercon (in Chicago, maybe 1984). I even got to visit his
home once and see his pulp and paperback collection, which
left me awe-struck. So you can take my opinion with a grain
of salt.
But I confess to enjoying his books. He's done a lot of
different things with the "Nameless" series, including a
locked-room novel. Some of them have been pretty light, but
since SHACKLES, the books have taken a darker turn, I think,
and it's been interesting to see how the character has
changed. (Darkness has intruded earlier, I know, in books
like BLOWBACK.) Anyway, I think it's an impressive
Bill Crider
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