I actually liked Astor in TMF, once I got over sulking
because they changed the '20s clothing to '40s clothing.
(Then again, I saw the movie for the first time in my early
teens, so I wasn't a particularly critical audience
According to Sperber & Lax's Bogart biography, Geraldine
Fitzgerald was the early choice to play Brigid--she was the
right age, height, etc., etc. I can't imagine John Huston was
terribly upset about the way it worked out, though, since he
allegedly had a torrid affair with Astor throughout the
filming. You take what you can get, I guess. . .um, so to
Later, Vicky
Victoria Esposito-Shea, J.D. Legal Research and Writing
New and improved site at http://www.esposito-shea.com
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