RARA-AVIS: Public Acclain & "Masterpeices"/Chandler & Plots

From: Keith Alan Deutsch ( keithdeutsch@earthlink.net)
Date: 28 Apr 2000

Dear Bob,

I agree with everything you said, except for "in like FINN." It is picaresque, but if doesn't have a good plot--I'm heading out for the territories.!

Bob Toomey wrote:

> Well, anybody who reads Chandler for his plots is sitting in the wrong
> pew. But FAREWELL, MY LOVELY, at least, has a rock solid plot, and THE
> LADY IN THE LAKE and THE LONG GOODBYE aren't far behind.
> I don't think plots matter much anyway. HUCKLEBERRY FINN does fine
> without one. It's all in the telling.

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