Re: RARA-AVIS: Hard-boiled music

From: Doug Bassett (
Date: 13 Apr 2000

You know, this is a pretty obvious point, but the only reason any of us associate certain types of music with hb is because there's been movies that have used that kind of music, or at least music very much like it. There's no reason that somebody couldn't make a tough hb film and use as music, oh, classic Black Sabbath songs. Maybe it could work -- who knows?

I was just thinking about the famous scene in Quentin Tarantino's RESERVOIR DOGS that uses Stealer's Wheel's
"Stuck in the Middle With You", an old folk-rock song from the mid-Seventies. After having seen that scene, I have not been able to think of that song in any other light. Movies are a powerful thing.

--- Juri Nummelin <> wrote:
> I've been thinking about noir in music. Is there
> such thing as noir music?
> Jazz seems to fit, but not all the time (just think
> about some modern non-bop
> jazz, like Ornette Coleman or Miles Davis's 70s
> records). What about rock
> music? I can think of couple examples, like Tom
> Waits (who is noir almost all
> the time) and Stan Ridgway (who has a record named
> "The Big Heat" in which
> there are complete noir pieces like "Drive, He Said"
> and the name song). What
> about some other artists?

===== Doug Bassett

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