RARA-AVIS: Hard-boiled music

From: Juri Nummelin ( jurnum@utu.fi)
Date: 13 Apr 2000

"a.n.smith" wrote:

> On the turnaround, The Vandermark 5 jazz group did an album called
> "Simpatico", which is sort of a tribute to Film Noir (and noir's moody
> music. dig.)

I've been thinking about noir in music. Is there such thing as noir music? Jazz seems to fit, but not all the time (just think about some modern non-bop jazz, like Ornette Coleman or Miles Davis's 70s records). What about rock music? I can think of couple examples, like Tom Waits (who is noir almost all the time) and Stan Ridgway (who has a record named "The Big Heat" in which there are complete noir pieces like "Drive, He Said" and the name song). What about some other artists? William Burroughs's (sic) records fit the description with the 50s-movie like compositions.

And what about hardboiled music? I can come up with one, Larry Wallis's
"Police Car", in which there is a definite feel of a early seventies harsh cop movie. Curtis Mayfield's soundtracks for films like "Short Eyes" and
"Superfly" might also fit the hardboiled mould.

If this isn't totally irrevelant to you, I'd like to hear your suggestions.

Juri jurnum@utu.fi

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